What does your hair need? If it is dehydrated, it requires moisture. If it is damaged, it needs to be regenerated. If it falls out excessively, its bulbs must be strengthened. A now, do you know a product that would have the answer to all of these problems? It is time for you to discover Nanoil – the only cosmetic perfectly matched to your hair’s needs.

All kinds of hair problems can have different causes. Sometimes genes are responsible for all the troubles because they contain coded information about, for example the thickness of your hair. Nevertheless, most often, thin wisps are the result of an improper care, adverse weather conditions or other features that contribute to weakening the keratin structure of your strands.

What factors can weaken hair?

First of all, lack of sun protection (harmfulness of UV rays should be perfectly known to most of us), wind or dampness. Additionally, too frequent treatments, such as perm, colouring or blow-drying, straightening and curling have negative influence of the condition of your strands. Furthermore, you cannot ignore inappropriate diet, various diseases or hormonal disorders. In most cases, hair loses its good condition due to improper care. Mismatched cosmetics, too many styling products or overburdening with silicons significantly weakens hair.

How to take proper care of your hair?

The key to success is discovering the needs of your hair and adjusting the treatment. It is also worth remembering what hair is made of. Damaged hair (the so-called high porosity hair) has weakened inner structure therefore, it is in urgent need of regeneration, strengthening and smoothing. However, theoretically healthy hair (low porosity) also require protection, boosting volume and concentrated care of the scalp.



There is only one way to enjoy beautiful hair – it is Nanoil hair oil. You can choose from three versions, each of which is destined to different porosities. There is no other such effective care that is also perfectly adjusted to the needs of various hair types. Everyone will easily find a product that will help overcome their hair and scalp struggles. Nanoil hair oils eliminate the harmfulness of the above mentioned factors and are a remedy to all hair and scalp related issues.

Why are Nanoil hair oils so effective?

Our hair (its dermal part -the one growing out of bulbs) is made up of three parts. It is composed of the core covered with the inner layer (cortex) and external (cuticle layer). Nanoil oils are perfectly matched to the condition of the outer layer, which is why they work so effectively. The shielding layer is made of scales, which can be tightly bound (in this case styling products do not work so strong on hair) or excessively raised (due to which hair loses moisture, nutrients and is more vulnerable to adverse conditions).

The first step towards beautiful hair is to decide on such hair care products (hair oils) that will be matched to particular porosity. Only then hair oiling will provide satisfying results. Nanoil acts not only on the surface of hair, but also inside, where it improves the condition of the bulbs and the entire scalp. It is impossible to strengthen hair if we use oils with very large molecules, that will not be able to penetrate the interior. Superficial action is also provided by silicones, which in the long run, cause more harm than good. We have to dwell on the treatment a little more to restore the health of our hair.

Why are Nanoil hair oils so effective
The secret of Nanoil’s effectiveness lays in the selection of such vegetable oils and additional components that will fit into the structure of each hair type. Nanoil is available in three versions: for low porosity hair, medium porosity hair and high porosity hair,. Low porosity hair is usually straight and difficult for styling, because the scales are tightly bound. Thus it needs oils with small molecules. High porosity hair is the most damaged type. Its scales are excessively raised. In this case, oils with large molecules are perfectly sealing the structure. Medium porosity hair is somewhere in the middle and requires the support of oils having particles of an average size.

Nanoil brand knows this well and therefore, presents three natural oils. Each of them contains a complex of vegetable oils combined in regard to the fatty acid content. They were enriched with additional ingredients including: silk, keratin, vitamin A and E, panthenol and sunscreen. Two innovative components that can be found in all three types of Nanoil are: Kerastim and baicapil – both prevent hair loss and accelerate its growth.

For straight and difficult to style hair: NANOIL FOR LOW POROSITY HAIR

Nanoil for low porosity hair is ideal for hair that is long, heavy, difficult to style, resist curling and is constantly exposed to solar radiation. The product not only provides protection, but also tames the strands and conditions scalp. The cosmetic contains nine perfectly composed oils, rich in saturated fatty acids: cedar oil cleanses the scalp and fights dandruff, coconut oil protects the sensitive hair fibre, argan oil protects against heat, castor oil accelerates hair growth and polishes it, shea butter improves resilience and reduces water loss, maracuja oil inhibits hair ageing, babassu oil facilitates combing and styling, monoi oil provides protection against harmful external factors, and cupuaçu butter revitalises hair and prevents static.

For weakened, brittle and frizzy hair: NANOIL FOR MEDIUM POROSITY HAIR

Nanoil for medium porosity hair is recommended for wavy and weakened hair that falls out in excess, becomes frizzy under the influence of moisture, is brittle and lacks shine. The cosmetics provides reinforcement, regeneration and beautification of hair all the way from roots to ends. In its composition we will find six specially selected oils rich in monounsaturated fatty acids: macadamia oil soothes and regulates the scalp processes, argan oil provides thermal protection, marula oil strengthens the natural protective layer of hair, jojoba oil regulates sebum secretion and prevents oily hair, maracuja oil facilitates combing and reduces frizz, and coconut oil protects the ends and adds softness.

For dry, damaged and falling out hair: NANOIL FOR HIGH POROSITY HAIR

Nanoil for high porosity hair is created for people with extremely damaged and dehydrated hair, with split ends. Such hair is also brittle, rough, dull, faded, falls out excessively and lacks vitality. The treatment restores health, rebuilds damaged keratin structure and changes the appearance of distressed hair. The composition is based on six well-chosen oils with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids: sweet almond oil provides hydro-lipid balance and deeply moisturises, argan oil protects against heat, seals hair cuticles and regenerates, evening primrose oil soothes and improves scalp condition, avocado oil moisturises hair, smooths fibres and prevents frizz, maracuja oil is a strong antioxidant and regulates sebaceous glands, cotton seed oil protects and softens hair ends.

15 Comments “Nanoil – hair oils perfectly matched to each of you!”

  1. Natalie26

    I can’t determine my hair type, it matches sort of low porosity and sort of high porosity, so is it best to choose the medium porosity? :/

  2. Sarah

    I have oil for low porosity hair and since I use it my hair is easier to style 🙂

  3. mag_80

    helps a lot for hair loss! I know it cause I checked it on myself

  4. Alexandra

    My favorite oil 🙂 and I checked a lot

  5. Kay92

    I didn’t get along with Nanoil, but perhaps it’s true that nyou have to choose the right one for your hair

    • wild_orchid

      That’s how it really is. First choose right oil, second the method of use. I think it is best to use it on dry hair for at least an hour, for example before evening bath, then wash it down. However, the method choose to your needs by trail and error. Give it a second chance ? Cheers!

      • Lisa

        Yeah! 😀 before you write that you don’t like it, first try all the possible methods 😉 I know what I’m talking about 🙂

  6. Caroline23

    Based on this article I have high porosity hair, because are awfully dry and damaged in spite of not being bleached or straightened. I think i’ll give it a go because hair balms aren’t helping. Have any of you had hair like mine and nanoil helped her?

    • ladybird

      I had hair like this only my hair was damaged with straightening and I started performing hair oiling. At first I did it with coconut oil, castor oil and linseed oil until I somehow came across this oil and now I use it all the time. Let me tell you, there’s no compare to what I had on my head earlier 🙂 even my ends stopped splitting so you can go ahead and use it 🙂

  7. t.a.

    i’m lazy 🙂 and don’t want to go into all hair oiling and my hair is parched so by the end of drying I apply a bit of oil and after I dry it hair is soft, glossy and look more nourished and hydrated 🙂

  8. Veraa

    I do it similar ( use almond oil) only once a week, okay- maybe once a month ? I try to leave oil on hair overnight. I heard about nanoil a lot of good things and I’m willing to try it one day 🙂

  9. Zebra

    excellent article, all clear, well explained and described

    • illusion123

      I agree 🙂 and so many information; I didn’t know that choosing right oil for hair has such a great meaning.

  10. Annie

    I use natural oils and these are okay, but this must be the only hair oil that can be matched with hair type.

  11. milla

    If your hair is falling out, you have to change diet !!


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