It can be black, green, red or white. You drink it every day but do you ever wonder about other properties of tea? Have you heard of the tea beauty benefits? Do you know the DIY beauty treatments and products you can make using tea?

Tea – cosmetic uses

Tea owes its beauty benefits to a diversity of ingredients, including:

  • tannin which fulfils a function of antioxidants, meaning it is essential for the proper work of the blood system, it slows down ageing and prevents many diseases e.g. cancer, atheromatosis;
  • caffeine which rids you of tiredness, lifts the mood and concentration and improves the physical efficiency
  • vitamin B which is responsible for a healthy growth of children, mental balance and protection from cancer
  • vitamin C which enhances the immune system, delays ageing, improves the blood flow and prevents cancer
  • vitamin PP which regulates the level of sugar in the blood, cholesterol and blood flow in the vessels, keeps the skin healthy

DIY Tea Beauty Products & Treatments 

Even though tea-infused cosmetics are widely available, you can make them yourself!

Recipe for DIY Tea Beauty Treatment: Steam Facial

Pour two teaspoons of green tea into a bowl. Pour it with water (60-70 degrees). Put a towel on your head and lean over the bowl. After several minutes, your face will be visibly smoother and more radiant.

An at-home steam facial is mostly recommended for the treatment of acne-prone skin and enlarged pores.

Recipe for DIY Tea Beauty Product: Hair Rinse for Brunettes

Pour four teaspoons of black tea with boiling water. When it cools down, strain the tea. Use the mixture for the final rinsing.

Tea hair rinse for brunettes refreshes the shade of dark strands.

Recipe for DIY Tea Beauty Treatment: Compress for Eyes

Soak two cotton pads or ready-made compresses in a strong black tea infusion. Put them on your eyelids and keep for 10-15 minutes. You can use warm or cool tea bags, too.

A tea compress is a tried and tested way of soothing red, swollen and tired eyes.

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